Líneas móviles para delimitar espacios o terrenos de juego deportivos

Hoy os presentamos un invento muy práctico para la práctica de todo tipo de deportes en cualquier superficie:

Líneas móviles para delimitar espacios o terrenos de juego deportivos.

foto modelo utilidad

Os dejamos con la descripción del inventor:

You can see the demostrative video in this page:

Conos con soporte y cinta que se unen entre sí, delimitando espacios deportivos y de juego de cualquier forma.

Descripción en inglés:

The invention relates to holders and to a belt for defining spaces included in a first holder that contains a first base having a reel to receive the properly wound belt secured to the spool shaft, first means for connecting the shaft and the base and elastic retaining means suitably attached to the spool, a second holder comprising a second base having initial anchoring means adequately connected to the second base, a belt having ends which are suitably attached to both holders, a first covering of the first holder and a second covering of the second holder.

With this invention it is possible to limit any kind of sport field in any type of surface (grass, concrete, sand…). With 4 holders we can make a rectangle to any kind of sport because they are linked together making it possible for any shape to be built.

Al inventor le interesa o la venta de la patente, o la financiación para el desarrollo del producto.

Datos de contacto del inventor:

TLF: 649 637 290

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